declan bright

eolvis - Software End Of Life Timeline Visualization

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Effective software supply chain management includes the planning of software components upgrades, to ensure that systems are always using supported components. This is achieved by planning the upgrade of components before they reach their EOL (End-Of-Life) date.

The eolvis web application can be used to visualise the lifecycle of software components, from release to EOL, making it a useful tool for software developers and managers when planning a technical roadmap.

NOTE: This app is still in development

TL;DR -> Jump straight to the demo: eolvis

eolvis EOL Visualization
Fig 1. eolvis EOL Visualization


I created the eolvis as a replacement for a software end-of-life tracker that I maintained in Excel for many years. Re-creating this tracker as a web application has several advantages including; data validation and dynamic styling over time, to highlight items that need attention.

How it works

The eolvis web application is a simple application written in vanilla JavaScript (Web Components & ES6 modules) with some 3rd party libraries i.e. for some nice multi-select downdown lists.

Information is entered about each item; Name, Version, Type, Supported From and To dates, Use From and To dates etc. Each item is then rendered as a bar on a timeline.

eolvis Data Entry Form
Fig 2. eolvis Data Entry Form

The Supported From and To dates are represented as a bar with a solid outline. Extended Support is represented with a dashed outline. The Use From and To dates are represented as an inner bar with a solid colour. The colour depends on its position on the timeline relative to the current date.

Data Export

Data can be exported in two JSON formats:

Source Code

The source code for eolvis is available on GitHub:


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